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What makes us human? What is it about our nature that allows us to create and destroy like no other animal? This site brings together a variety of views on humanity, how we give life to powerful ideas and sometimes use this power to take life away. To reduce human suffering, we must understand why humans, in some situations, cause such suffering, and why victims often lack the resources to fight back. I believe that the mind sciences have much to contribute to this discussion, and much to learn from those working in the humanitarian disciplines. Join the iHumanitarian movement. Nothing could be more important than our universal well-being.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The LRA is alive and well, abducting children, killing innocents..

I posted a while back on the LRA, the pseudo Christian, mystical, child abducting, rogue group that has tormented innocent children, raped women, and destroyed thousands of lives, from the Congo to Uganda. Human Rights Watch has posted a gorgeous video, filled with tragic victims, vacant stares, and encouraging smiles that there is life for many even after the LRA's inhumane treatment. This is a plea to PResident Obama, but it is a plea to all humanity to recognize the horror that this group has instilled in helpless others. Please read and watch the video!!!

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